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The Finnish Way - A Book Review

6 minute read   Published 2021-10-31

The author of The Finnish Way is an immigrant to Finland who fell in love with the country's culture and what the locals call "Sisu." She compiles a set of related life-lessons she's gained. It's an easy read and I enjoyed it. I've incorporated some of the lessons of this book into my own life, including fun ones like cold-dipping.

I'll start out with a chapter synopsis. Not neccessarily complete. Just as I personally interpretted. Then I'll give my personal takeaways from this book. Then I'll make a general assessment and recommendation of the book.

Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

Chapter 8

Chapter 9

Chapter 10

Here are things that stood out to me personally after reading The Finnish Way:

I actually read this book a couple years ago. Here are the lessons that I still apply to my life to this day:

Final Thoughts

I recommend this book to any American sick of the default diet and behaviors that our culture tries to make you emulate. If you want to take a step toward being more intentional in your self-care, this book is an easy read, and a fascinating glimpse into some unique and positive aspects of Finnish culture.

If you buy the book with this link I'll get a small commision.

The Finnish Way: Finding Courage, Wellness, and Happiness Through the Power of Sisu